January is a month often met with resistance. Akin to “Monday Blues”, beginning the year with motivation is often met with a splash of reality, tampering with New Year resolutions, sign-ups to the gymnasium, and other endeavors. In my case, there was simply no time or mental bandwidth to come to that state. Which honestly, was great! We were busy living life, being busy, planning ahead. January just went as fast as it came.
I try hard to shield myself from the external geopolitical climate. Frankly, even with these efforts, one can only be despaired about the next swing coming from the Orange Man across the pond, and his cohort of technocrats. Breathe…
We had family over for some days. It was rushed and unfortunately some of us were hit with the flu. But it was a nice get-together nonetheless.
Professionally there are more swings and instability. But I still like my colleagues and the technical challenges ahead. Thrive despite the surroundings?
I’m a bit stuck in my reading, since I’ve hit a wall with a piece of fiction that gives me a hard time. It is brilliant prose, but the topics treated are bleak and heavy. Not sure it was the best book to read, but it is the one that advances me as a reader and human being.
Tracking myself through in-app ads [Article] - I get sometimes ridiculed as the resident tinfoil hat wearer around me. But reading (and understanding) exercises like the one displayed in this recent post I think validates my position. Phones are a dangerous tool best kept at bay by dumbing them down. Go analog. Be careful about where you leave your digital footprint. Assume the worst when being digital.
Peter Thiel against democracy [Article] - this guy is basically the mentor in the shadow of Musk and the dangerous cohort. Disgusting article.